Why plant trees under a big tree? The young trees will surely suffer as the sun light is prevented from reaching the young trees. Who had ordered the planting of the 19 trees? If the chaps had any common sense surely this would not have happen. But alas this seems not to be the case! We hope the trees would be dug out soon and those who ordered planting of the 19 trees will apologize to the public.
In the process of planting the roots of the “democratic tree” was uprooted and damaged. All this been done to kill the tree. The: democratic tree” is now the most visited place in Ipoh by tourist and the like.
It was announced yesterday that a new plaque would be erected at the very place where the young trees have been planted. To prevent this installation the trees are been planted.
Sungguh pelik! Macam tak ada tempat lain untuk tanam pokok di Bandaraya Ipoh! Orang yang memberi arahan ini perlu dihantar balik ke sekolah. Mungkin dia gagal biologi!
Jenis puak-puak 'celaka' ni memang selalu buat keje bodoh.
BalasPadamDah ler buat keje bodoh lepas tuh dia umumkan pada orang ramai bahawa dia tuh bodoh.
Kerja puak-puak ni memang hari-hari bodohkan rakyat,sampai dah ramai rakyat jadi bodoh.
Yang mana cerdik skit mula ditindas dan ditekan walaupun dengan cara bodoh.
Dah terlalu ramai jadi bodoh kerana puak-puak 'celaka' ni....
Ipoh, Bandaraya Bouganvilla