Media Statement by DAP
Parliamentary Leader and MP for Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 26th July
ROS director-general’s groundless
comment clearest sign that UMN0/BN
government may be preparing a Hari Raya surprise – deregistration of DAP on
completely baseless and frivolous grounds
The Star report today “Don’t harbour false hopes” quoting the
ROS director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman is the clearest sign that the
UMNO/BN government may be preparing a Hari Raya surprise – the deregistration
of DAP on completely baseless and frivolous grounds.
The Star report is studded
with false and groundless premises showing that the ROS director-general is
acting in a completely improper, unfair and unprofessional manner not in keeping
with the efficient, impartial and independent discharge of his public duties.
How can the ROS
director-general comment on a completely fictitious scenario which is a total
concoction or figment of imagination of the Umno/BN propagandists, cybertroopers
and their agents, as if it is a fact?
The Star report headlined “Don’t
harbour false hopes” states:
‘Don’t harbour false hopes’
members have been told not to harbour hopes of forming a new party if the
Registrar of Societies (ROS) decides to de-register it.
ROS director-general
Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said they would not likely entertain requests to set
up a new party.
“They can apply. But
the right to approve is with the ROS. We did not even entertain 29 applications
to set up new parties submitted over the last five years,” he said yesterday.
He was asked to
comment on the move by DAP members to look into establishing a new political
party if de-registration was inevitable following complaints of election fraud
in the DAP’s central executive committee (CEC) election in December.
The notion of forming a new party if the DAP is
deregistered had never been raised or
entertained by anyone in the DAP, whether leadership or membership, as there is
no plausible ground for the deregistration of the DAP.
The fictitious scenario that
there are DAP leaders or members who are preparing to establish a new political
party allegedly “to purge political enemies” in the party is completely
baseless, concocted by the UMNO/BN propagandists, cybertroopers and their
agents to character-assassinate the DAP leadership.
But when such lies and
falsehoods are accepted as if they are facts and truths as to warrant a comment
by the ROS director-general, then the question of the independence,
impartiality and professionalism of the ROS director-general immediately comes
into question, raising the issue whether the ROS director-general was himself a
party to the months of lies and falsehoods by Umno/BN propagandists,
cybertroopers and their agents falsely accusing
the DAP of all sorts of improprieties in the party elections in the DAP
national congress last December.
The ROS director-general
made a cryptic remark in the Star report when he was asked “if the party should
call for a fresh CEC election”, saying:
“It is better for the party members and
leaders to take the initiative to save the party rather than harbour false
hopes of setting up a new one.”
Abdul Rahman should explain
what he meant when referred to “the initiative to save the party” as up to now,
the Party has not received any request in the past seven months for fresh CEC
election. Only the Umno/BN propagandists, cybertroopers and their agents have
been making noises in this regard in the past few months.
With the approach of the
Umno party elections at the end of the year, it is increasingly evident that
the ROS decision on the DAP is not going to be a professional one, but a
political one.
The ROS director-general and
the UMNO/BN government should realise that the DAP will fight every inch of the
way against any gross abuses of power affecting the future of DAP including the
baseless and groundless deregistration of DAP.
Lim Kit Siang

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