While Barisan Nasional leaders are coy about any motion to boot out the speaker at the May 7 state assembly meeting, Nga Kor Ming is already defending the speaker's right to reject motions brought before the house.
Pantai Remis assemblyman Nga Kor Ming said yesterday this was already shown when Malacca assembly Speaker Datuk Othman Mohamad rejected an emergency motion last week.
Nga said that if the speaker in Malacca could summarily reject a motion, so could Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar.
"You can't say that all that the BN speaker does is right and that all that a non-BN speaker does is wrong."
Nga said he was informed by sources within the state administration that BN would table an emergency motion to dismiss the speaker. "This is the first time that such a thing would happen in our country. I am sad and shocked,” he said. At the Malacca state assembly sitting on April 21, Othman only allowed Kesidang assemblyman Goh Leong San to read the title of the emergency motion, before he rejected it, saying that it was neither urgent nor involved public interest.
Senang aja Tuan Speaker! Bila BN buat usul, Speaker tolak, dia buat kecuh, suruh dia keluar dewan! Lepas tua buat usul undi tak percaya pada Zamburiiiiii!!!
BalasPadamPolitik hari ni dah jadi kartun kerana Umno,Bn adalah kartun-kartun yang digerakkan oleh Mahathir.
Kartun 3 ekor tu jangan beri masuk dewan! Itu hak Speaker bukan hak mahkamah atau SPR!
Speaker halau je mane yg tak berkenan tu bile dorang masuk lam dewan nanti...
BalasPadamSiapa buat kecoh, Speaker ada hak menghalau mereka keluar dari Dewan....biaq mereka pi buat rayuan kat mahkamah....
BalasPadamBeginilah jadinya bila mahkamah masuk campur urusan Dewan Undangan Negeri....ciptaan Malaysia Boleh !!