Sabtu, 31 Ogos 2013

2013 Merdeka Speech 2013年 国庆日献词 - Mr. Goh Qing Song the President of theYBAM

2013 Merdeka Speech by Mr. Goh Qing Song the President of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia
  Mr. Goh Qing Song the President of theYBAM
The Federation of Malaya proclaimed its independence from British colonial rule on August 31, 1957. Since then, the nation has strived to uphold the spirit of the Federal Constitution and to protect the basic rights of its people regardless of their race and beliefs. The independence of the nation was hard-earned through the collaborative efforts and the indomitable will of the predecessors of different races.
Social harmony and solidarity are the keys to the continual development of the nation. It would be difficult for a country to move forward if its people are in a constant turmoil with no sense of what’s right or wrong. It has been disappointing to realize that there are still many irresponsible comments and actions from certain parties designed to manipulate the sentiments of the people. We need to respect the fact that the achievement of the nation today has come about from the collaborative efforts and participation of all Malaysians regardless of race or religious beliefs. Hence, it is the obligation of every Malaysian citizen to continue to do our part to uphold the stability and the unity of our beloved country.
Malaysia is blessed with a multi-racial and multi-cultural environment. It is this environment which allows new ideas to bloom and new talents to be nurtured so that our nation can excel in many areas. We must therefore be grateful and be generous and open-minded about the differences which surround us.
On August 28, 1963, the American activist Martin Luther King, Jr delivered a far-reaching speech which defined the American dream and also marked a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. In conjunction with the 56th year of Malaysia’s independence, we urge the government and the people of Malaysia to embrace the Malaysian dream which call for:
      i.     a fair economic plan that will benefit all Malaysians regardless of their race and beliefs, as this will ensure that the people will remain united and the nation will continue to develop and prosper
    ii.     a fair education system that will take care of the needs of all Malaysians regardless of their race and beliefs, as this will ensure a society that is well-informed and conscientious
  iii.     fair policies which embrace both the commonality and the differences between the various cultures and religions, as this will ensure that the rich heritage of all of our ancestors will be preserved and appreciated by our people today.
Last but not least, I wish all Malaysians a happy Merdeka day and may we all achieve the Malaysian dream very soon.

2013 国庆日献词 - 马来西亚佛教青年总会总会长吴青松
i.         国家经济发展能惠益各族人民,如此则国民能温饱,国家也必然安泰;
ii.       国家教育能平衡发展,如此则能塑造一个有高度自觉的社群,异端邪信也不会有立足之地;
iii.      国家政策能够尊重多元文化及信仰,如此则国家文化瑰宝必然得以保存,马来西亚文明也能在世界大放异彩。

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【Malay/Eng​】 Address by Anwar Ibrahim on the occasion of the nation’s 56th Merdeka Anniversar​y on 31st August, 2013

Perutusan oleh Anwar Ibrahim sempena sambutan ulangtahun Kemerdekaan ke-56 pada 31 Ogos 2013

Sekali lagi menjelang 31 Ogos, kita akan meraikan Hari Merdeka, hari yang cukup gemilang dan bermakna untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Kini adalah masanya untuk kita menghimbau kembali pencapaian dan kegagalan kita dan memandang ke depan untuk hari-hari dan bulan-bulan yang mendatang. Kini adalah masanya untuk bermuhasabah dan bertanya apakah sebenarnya erti Merdeka dan apa yang boleh kita pelajari dari masa silam dan harapan di masa depan.
‘Merdeka’ memiliki makna yang lebih dalam berbanding perkataan ‘Kebebasan’. Ia bukan sekadar persoalan dibebaskan dari cengkaman penjajahan atau penindasan asing jika ianya kemudian digantikan dengan penindas di tanah air sendiri yang barangkali lebih rakus dan tamak. Merdeka bermaksud bebas dari sebarang bentuk kezaliman dan penindasan dalam apa jua bentuk dan negara dipacu ke arah baru menuju keadilan, kebebasan, demokrasi dan kemuliaan insan.

Di atas cabaran ini, ramai yang bersetuju bahawa kita masih jauh untuk mencapainya. Setelah lebih dari setengah abad, kita masih lagi bertanya samada prinsip-prinsip asas di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan masih dijunjung dan samada kebebasan dan hak-hak yang termaktub di dalamnya masih utuh dan dihormati. Justeru, apa kebaikan Merdeka seandainya asas perlembagaan dicabuli dengan sewenang-wenangnya?

Tatkala kita seharusnya meraikan perpaduan sebagai sebuah negara pelbagai kaum dan pelbagai agama yang telah menjangkau 56 tahun usia kemerdekaan, kita sebaliknya kini melihat polarisasi masyarakat yang dahsyat dan perpecahan dalam hal-hal berkaitan agama. Tanggungjawab dan peranan pemimpin politik sewajarnya menjernihkan keadaan ini namun apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya. Terdapat segelintir daripada mereka yang mengeruhkan lagi keadaan dengan mengeksploitasi hal-hal agama dan isu-isu sensitif untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. Kini wujud perkembangan yang membimbangkan bila mana terdapat parti-parti politik yang mengupah kumpulan-kumpulan ‘hak istimewa’ dan media untuk meneruskan agenda mereka memecahbelah dan menyemai perbezaan di kalangan rakyat.

Kesannya, setelah 56 tahun mencapai Merdeka, berlaku lebih banyak provokasi perkauman, hasutan yang menjurus kepada kebencian terhadap agama dan secara umumnya semakin banyak ucapan dan penulisan berbaur hasutan yang disiarkan oleh media cetak. Apa yang malang adalah ia bukan sekadar kelemahan kepimpinan dalam menjernihkan keadaan, tetapi tampak seolah-olah kerajaan sedang menggalakkan fenomena ini supaya menjadi lebih parah.

Sebagai contoh, ketika pelbagai tuntutan dan bantahan dinyatakan dari kalangan rakyat prihatin dan pertubuhan-pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, kerajaan sebaliknya membenarkan juga penayangan di seluruh negara sebuah filem yang hanya akan menyajikan mesej berbaur perkauman walaupun nilai keseniannya masih boleh dipersoalkan. Di sebalik kebanggaan tentang negara, terdapat sensitiviti yang lebih besar yakni perkauman dan perasaan khalayak. Suara-suara melampau berbaur kebencian dan yang bersifat tidak toleran sedang menenggelamkan suara-suara kesederhanaan dan keterbukaan.

Peningkatan mendadak kes tembakan dan jenayah berat, rompakan dan jenayah ragut adalah hal yang membimbangkan. Manakala kita mendukung usaha pihak polis dalam memerangi dan mencegah jenayah, adalah penting juga untuk mereka melakukannya dengan menuruti proses yang sewajarnya. Semua pihak perlu bekerjasama mencari jalan penyelesaian namun demikian penggunaan undang-undang yang lebih berat bukanlah jawapannya. Perkara tersebut perlu diteliti dengan lebih menyeluruh.

Menyentuh isu tatakelola, ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawaban, rasuah kekal menjadi barah yang merisaukan kita. Merujuk kepada perkara ini, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mesti melaksanakan tugas mereka tanpa rasa takut dan memihak namun kita mendesak Peguam Negara supaya tidak menghalang pendakwaan yang melibatkan amalan rasuah di kalangan pimpinan atasan.

Negara kita tidak kebal daripada ribut ekononi yang melanda di sekeliling kita. Kita lebih perlu berhati-hati daripada berada di dalam keadaan tidak bersiap sedia. Kita boleh menerapkan tata kelola, hemah dan kebertanggungjawaban dalam pengurusan kewangan awam dan ekonomi kita. Kerajaan bersalah terhadap kecurangan ekonomi – menyatakan fakta yang separa benar dan memberikan statistik tidak sempurna untuk mengaburi perbelanjaan melampau yang tidak mampu lagi ditanggung oleh negara.

Penilaian Agensi Penarafan Kewangan Antarabangsa (FITCH) yang mendedahkan kemerosotan prospek ekonomi negara sewajarnya mempercepatkan kerajaan untuk bertindak lebih terbuka dalam mendepani cabaran sebenar ekonomi. Sebaliknya, kerajaan memperlekeh penilaian tersebut dan menyifatkannya sebagai kerja “penganalisa muda yang tidak mendengar pandangan kerajaan”. FITCH bukanlah satu-satunya firma penganalisa yang menyatakan kebimbangan terhadap prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesannya kepada kejutan luaran.

Terdahulu, Institut Penyelidikan Ekonomi Malaysia (MIER) telah menolak unjuran pertumbuhan 2013 daripada 5.6% sebelumnya kepada 4.8%. Bank Negara pula baru-baru ini telah mengurangkan ramalan pertumbuhan 2013 daripada 5-6% sebelumnya kepada 4.5-5%. Ini selari dengan ramalan terkini Bank Dunia untuk tahun 2013 iaitu daripada 5.6% sebelumnya kepada 5.1%. Selain daripada ancaman berganda defisit fiskal yang tinggi secara berterusan dan peningkatan hutang kerajaan secara langsung dan tidak langsung, lebihan akaun semasa kita berada pada tahap paling rendah sejak 1997. Oleh kerana kita terlalu bergantung pada nilai dan komoditi eksport yang rendah di pasaran global, kejatuhan berterusan dalam ekonomi global mewujudkan ketidaktentuan terhadap pertumbuhan kita.

Pengurangan defisit fiskal memerlukan komitmen sepenuhnya dalam membasmi rasuah daripada perolehan dan projek-projek kerajaan. Penjimatan 10% dalam perolehan dan projek-projek dengan mudah dapat diterjemahkan kepada perolehan RM20 bilion setahun (berdasarkan perolehan dan perbelanjaan tahunan projek RM200 bilion di bawah kawalan kerajaan Persekutuan).

Pengurangan hutang kerajaan dan pemotongan defisit fiskal hanya boleh dimulakan menerusi perolehan hasil kerajaan yang lebih tinggi yang diraih melalui pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi. Malangnya pertumbuhan Malaysia akan terencat di skala 4-5% untuk seketika melainkan reformasi struktur secara menyeluruh terhadap ekonomi dilaksanakan sebaiknya dengan segera.
Di ambang ulangtahun kemerdekaan yang ke-56 ini, reformasi ekonomi bukan lagi berkisar kepada pertandingan dasar dan retorik politik. Ianya berkait dengan kepentingan negara yang seharusnya menembusi politik kepartian dan ideologi kerana kita tidak mampu untuk mundur ke belakang sedangkan negara-negara jiran kita maju ke depan.

Persoalan kepimpinan adalah amat penting dalam memacu negara ke hadapan dengan memperkukuhkan asas ekonomi dan menjadikan kita lebih berdaya saing. Malah lebih penting lagi, pemimpin-pemimpin kita mesti dilihat serius menjaga kesejahteraan negara dan memacu hala tuju yang betul. Untuk memastikan perkembangan tidak sihat tidak berlaku di bawah kepimpinannya, seseorang pemimpin itu mesti menunjukkan ketegasan dan iltizam moral yang tinggi.

Meski pun kami membantah sekeras-kerasnya tentang kesahihan keputusan pilihanraya yang lepas, kami bersedia untuk mengetepikan perbezaan kami demi negara kesejahteraan dan masa depan. Dalam hal ini, kami percaya bahawa adalah penting bagi Perdana Menteri untuk segera mengadakan rundingan meja bulat antara kerajaan BN dan Pakatan Rakyat bagi membincangkan isu-isu yang dibangkitkan dan merumuskan satu penyelesaian yang menyeluruh.

Meraikan Merdeka semestinya dengan mengiktiraf kebaikan yang telah dilakukan dan tidak mengulangi kesilapan masa lalu. Iltizam untuk melakukan apa yang baik untuk negara perlu menjadi agenda utama kita semua.
Semangat Merdeka bukan sahaja toleransi atau kompromi. Ianya adalah mengenai pemahaman yang lebih besar, menerima perbezaan kita dan meningkatkan persamaan kita serta menggerakkan negara ke hadapan untuk menghadapi cabaran yang mendatang.

Address by Anwar Ibrahim on the occasion of the nation’s 56th Merdeka Anniversary on 31st August, 2013
Once again as 31st August beckons, we will celebrate Merdeka Day, an auspicious and memorable occasion for all Malaysians. It is time to take stock of our achievements and shortcomings and look forward to the days and months ahead. It is a time for soul-searching where we look into ourselves and ask what Merdeka really means and what we can learn from the past and hope the future holds.   

‘Merdeka’ means much more than what the word ‘Independence’ may convey. It is not just a matter of being liberated from the yoke of colonial rule or foreign oppression if it is only to be replaced by the rule of home grown oppressors who may be even more ruthless and self-serving. Merdeka is about being freed from tyranny and oppression in all its guises and setting the nation on a new path to justice, freedom, democracy and human dignity.

Set against this test, many would agree we are still far from there. After more than half a century, we are still left asking whether the fundamental principles in our Federal Constitution are still in place and whether the liberties and rights enshrined therein remain intact and are still honoured. Indeed, what good is Merdeka if these fundamental constitutional safeguards are violated with impunity?

At a time when we should be celebrating our cohesiveness as a multiracial multi-religious nation that has attained 56 years of independence, we are instead witnessing greater polarisation of the communities and increasing divisiveness on religious matters. Rather than alleviating the situation, certain politicians are making it worse by exploiting religious and sensitive issues for their own interests. There is a disconcerting trend of political parties hiring supposed ‘special interest’ groups and the media to further their agenda of causing division and dissention among the people.

Consequently, after 56 years of Merdeka, there is more race baiting, incitement to religious intolerance and hatred and generally an increase in seditious speeches and articles published by the print media. The tragedy in this is that not only is there a lack of leadership in ameliorating the situation but it appears that the government is encouraging this phenomenon to worsen.
For example, in spite of appeals and protests from concerned citizens and NGOs, the government has sanctioned the nation-wide screening of a movie that will only serve to incite communal animosity even as its artistic value remains questionable. Instead of greater sense of nation-consciousness, there is greater sense of race and communal consciousness. The voices of extremism, of hate and of intolerance are drowning the voices of moderation and inclusiveness.

The sharp increase in shooting cases and other violent crimes, robberies and snatch thefts is a matter of grave concern. While we must support the police in the efforts to curb and prevent crime, it is also incumbent on them to follow due process. All parties must collectively work out a solution to the problem but merely getting more punitive laws is not the answer. The matter must be looked at comprehensively.

On the issues of governance, transparency and accountability corruption remains a matter which still plagues us. In this regard, the MACC must perform its tasks without fear or favour but we would urge the Attorney General not to obstruct the prosecution of those involved in corruption in high office.
We are not insulated from the economic storms brewing around us. We should rather err on the side of caution than to be caught off guard. We can institute good governance, prudence and accountability in the management of our public finances and economy. The government is guilty of economic dishonesty – telling half-truths and giving incomplete statistics to camouflage the excessive spending that the country can no longer afford.

Fitch’s downgrading of the country’s economic prospect should have prompted the government to come clean on the real economic challenges. Instead it has dismissed it as the work of “young analysts who don’t listen to government’s opinion”.    Fitch is not the only reputable firm of analysts which had expressed concerns over the growth prospect of our economy and its vulnerability to external shocks.

Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) had earlier cut 2013’s growth projection to 4.8% from 5.6% previously. Bank Negara recently cut its 2013 growth forecast to 4.5-5% from 5-6% previously. This is in line with World Bank’s latest forecast for 2013 at 5.1% from 5.6% previously.  Apart from the double menace of persistently high fiscal deficit and mounting direct and indirect government debts, our current account surplus is at the lowest level since 1997. Because we rely heavily on low value and commodity exports to the global markets, a continuing drag in the global economy casts uncertainties over our growth.

Cutting fiscal deficit requires a total commitment to eradicate corruption from government procurements and projects. A 10% saving in procurement and projects easily translates to RM20 billion a year (based on a procurement and project annual expenditure of RM200 billion within the control of the federal government).

The reduction of government debt and cutting of fiscal deficit can only begin earnestly with higher government revenue that comes with higher growth. Unfortunately Malaysia’s growth will be stuck around the 4-5% region for a while unless all structural reforms to the economy are rolled out honestly and immediately.
On the eve of our 56th Merdeka, economic reforms are no longer a matter of policy contestation or political rhetoric. It is a national imperative that should transcend partisan and ideological boundaries because we cannot afford to slide back while our neighbours progress unabatedly.

The question of leadership is of paramount importance in steering the nation forward by strengthening our economic fundamentals and making us more competitive. Even more importantly, our leaders must be seen to be in control of the well-being of the nation and the direction it is going. To check the unhealt

Jumaat, 30 Ogos 2013

I will not submit parliament​ary questions in protest against oppressive procedures in the BN-majorit​y Dewan Rakyat

PRESS RELEASE: I will not submit parliamentary questions in protest against oppressive procedures in the BN-majority Dewan Rakyat
I am the Member of Parliament for Padang Serai. I refer to the notice issued to all MPs by the Dewan Rakyat Secretary directing that MPs submit parliamentary questions by 3rd September 2013 for the session beginning 23rd Seprember 2013. This excessively long advance notice for MPs questions is a result of the undemocratic and inefffective way in which the BN is running Dewan Rakyat proceedings. The BN has thus far adamantly refused to amend Standing Order 22 which states that MPs questions must be submitted at least 14 working days before the meeting of parliament. As a result, questions submitted by MPs are not topical, stale and rendered ineffective as a method of holding Ministers to account for their actions.
It is clearly the intention of the BN government to maintain the oppressive Standing Order 22 in order to escape effective scrutiny of BN Minister's action by the Opposition in the Dewan Rakyat. In a written reply to me during the last meeting of Parliament, Minister Shahidan Kassim baselessly insisted that the 14 working days period was necessary.
In the UK House of Commons only 3 days notice is required before the day on which the question is to be asked. Whereas in the Australian House of Representatives and the Canadian House of Commons, MPs can ask questions of Ministers without any advance notice. The BN's practice in the Dewan Rakyat is thus inconsistent and contradictory to the trend in other Commonwealth legislatures.
The failure to reduce the notice period for questions must be seen in the context of the BN's deliberate refusal to institute much-needed democratic reforms to the conduct of business in the Dewan Rakyat. Unlike other Commonwealth legislatures, the BN refuses to allow time for opposition bills, motions and other business. Under the BN, our Dewan Rakyat has been reduced to a Mugabe-style parliament.
I cannot continue to pretend that the Rakyat's interests are being protected under this ineffective method of questioning Ministers in the Dewan. As an act of protest, and to focus national attention on the need for urgent reforms of parliament, I will not submit questions to the Dewan Rakyat for the coming meeting of the Dewan. Instead, I have yesterday submitted a motion to the Dewan Rakyat calling for the amendment of Standing Order 22 to reduce the notice period to 2 days. I further call upon the Prime Minister to immediately consult with the Opposition Leader to bring about urgent reforms of the Dewan Rakyat during the coming meeting of parliament.
Issued by,
30 August 2013

Hapuskan CTOS pulihkan eknomi negara

Salam Ramadhan YB

Saya  adalah seorang rakyat malaysia dan siswazah undang-undang yang telah mendapatkan ijazah dengan kepujian daripada UK.

Baru baru ini Pemuda UMNO dan PKR telah membantah CCRISS kerana hendak menyenarai hitamkan pelajar-pelajar yang gagal bayar balik pinjaman PPTN . 

Saya berpendapat bukan sekadar CCRISS sahaja malahan CTOS juga sehingga kehari ini telah menjejaskan keperibadian dan  reputasi seorang individu khususnya Kaum Melayu dan India  di dalam kalangan pihak ketiga, masyarakat, majikan atau orang awam.

CTOS yang ditubuhkan pada 12 Disember 1990 adalah  untuk memberi perkhidmatan data maklumat pinjaman mengenai individu-individu dan syarikat-syarikat antara lain, para pelanggannya terdiri daripada institusi kewangan atau bank.

Akibat daripada perbuatan dan tindakan CTOS,  rakyat telah dikemukakan kepada kesusahan dan mengalami kerugian kerana pencerobohan privasi  mereka.

CTOS bukan agensi kerajaan dan tidak harus dibenarkan untuk menyimpan maklumat peribadi. Perbuatan CTOS telah mencetuskan pencerobohan maklumat peribadi  dan isu perundangan Akta Data Protection ACT kini boleh dipersoalkan.

CTOS didapati menyimpan maklumat peribadi bagi tempoh menlebihi enam tahun.  Dan kebanyakkan maklumat di simpan telah diperolehi daripada pihak bank dan ROC serta maklumat daripada tindakan Mahkamah.  Maklumat tersebut disimpan untuk selama-lamanya sehingga hari akhirat dunia nampaknya kerana polisi CTOS adlah untuk simpan maklumat ini untuk membuat keuntungan kepada mereka. Apakah ini kita panggil developing country? Tidak ada mana-mana Negara membanggun membenarkan syarikat swasta seumpama CTos untuk  membuat demikian.
Dengan wujudnya CTOS rakyat Malaysia khususnya Melayu tidak dapat membuat apa-apa pinjaman untuk membangunkan status ekonomi mereka dan melalui system ini.

Nampaknya sekali di senaraikan sampai mati nama individu tersebut  tidak dapat dikeluarkan selama-lamanya.

Demi untuk kebaikkan Negara CTOS harus dihapuskan dengan segera. Malahan undang –undang insolvensi  juga perlu diubah segera. Saya menyahut seruan Pemuda UMNO ,BN DAP PAS dan  PKR dalam perkara ini.

HApuskan CTOS….. tumbangkan agenda politik yang boleh melemahkan ekonomi rakyat malaysia khususnya rakyat melayu.

Saya bagi pihak beribu rakyat yang telah menjadi mangsa kecelekaan  CTOS dengan ini mengharapkan YB-YB sekalian untuk bertindak demi untuk kebaikan rakyat dan negara.


Rabu, 28 Ogos 2013

Pinjaman Young Entreprene​ur

Jawapan Parlimen

 Pinjaman Young Entrepreneur Fund (YEF) 

Dilancarkan pada 15 Feb 2013

Diwujudkan khas untuk golongan belia untuk membentuk usahawan muda
Untuk memulakan perniagaan baru atau untuk keperluan perniagaan sedia ada

Bajet 2013 memperuntukkan RM 50 juta untuk YEF

SME Bank telah dikenal pasti dalam membantu membangunkan Perusahan Kecil Sederhana

Sehingga 31 Mei 2013 jumlah permohonan yang diterima ialah 133
SME Bank telah meluluskan RM2.7juta kepada 35 permohonan.

Syarat-syarat Kelayakan:

a) belia berumur 18 hingga 30 tahun yang memiliki perniagaan
b) perniagaan hendaklah berdaftar dengan SSM
c) dalam syarikat perkongsian/ Sdn Bhd, belia yang terlibat memegang perkongsian/saham melebehi 51%
d) memiliki kelayakan minimum Sijil Keusahawanan/Sijil Vokasional
e) menyertai latihan keusahawanan CEDAR, SME Bank
f) firma baru kurang daripada 1 tahun juga boleh dipertimbangkan

Soalan Lisan Ahli Parlimen Labis

Laporan Kewangan Petronas

Jawapan Parlimen

Petronas ditubuhkan di bawah Akta Syarikat 1965

Petronas menyediakan laporan kewangan mengikut syarat2 & peraturan SSM (diaudit oleh juruaudit bertauliah antarabangsa)

Petronas menerbitkan Laporan Tahunan yang lengkap dengan laporan kewangan & laporan operasi

Laporan mengandungi jumlah bayaran kepada kerajaan (dividen, hasil petroleum, cukai & duti eksport)

Laporan disiarkan dalam laman web Petronas

Petronas juga mengumumkan keputusan kewangan setiap suku tahun kepada media

Soalan Lisan Ahli Parlimen Indera Mahkota

Rancangan Tebatan Banjir Segamat

Jawapan Parlimen

Rancangan Tebatan Banjir Segamat adalah untuk melencongkan sebahagian air banjir dari Sungai Segamat ke Lencongan banjir Sungai Segamat-Sungai Genuang sebelum disalurkan keluar ke Sungai Genuang.

Projek ini akan mengurangkan risiko banjir

Boleh meningkatkan keselamatan penduduk dan harta benda

Boleh meningkatkan sosio-ekonomi Bandar Segamat

Tetapi terdapat bantahan penduduk terhadap projek ini kerana melibatkan pengalihan :

1)  Sekolah Agama Rakyat Kg Jawa
2)  Tanah Perkuburan Islam

JPS telah membuat kajian semula dan telah mengenal pasti kaedah terbaik bagi menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan tidak melibatkan tapak kubur dan perpindahan Sekolah Agama iaitu melaksanakan pengubahsuaian reka bentuk asal dari saluran terbuka kepada pembentungan tertutup bawah tanah

Soalan Lisan Ahli Parlimen Sekijang

National Inquiry on Indigenous Peoples Land Rights conducted by SUHAKAM

While we are all searching for the key to unlock the rural and Sabah Sarawak seats, please pay attention to this little mentioned SUHAKAM report. 

I would like to draw your attention to the National Inquiry on Indigenous Peoples Land Rights conducted by SUHAKAM.  The Final Report has been released on August 7 when it was announced the the government will form a national task force to study the recommendations proposed by the Report.

Yesterday, Bar Council issued a statement urging the government to adopt the recommendations rather than waiting for the findings of yet another task force.  More importantly, Bar Council called for the Report to be tabled and debated in Parliament. 

SUHAKAM's original plan is to table the report in Parliament on 18th July 2013 (the last day of the first session of Parliament).  The intention was announced to the press but it was never materialised.  Instead, the Report was handed over to Paul Low in the presence of Malaysia Institute of Integrity President, Mohd Tap Salleh.  

Mohd Tap Salleh was appointed as the head of the National Task force.  What was not made known to the media, however, was the fact that Tap was indeed an insider-cum-expert in indigenous peoples' issue as he was the Deputy DG of the Orang Asli Affaris Department in the 1990s. His doctorate on Orang Asli development is a critically acclaimed work. But one does wonder the redundant nature of a Task Force - whatever to be studied has been studied by the SUHAKAM panel.

As a close observer and to a lesser extent a participant during the Inquiry from 2010 - 2012, I was keenly aware of the bearing of such a study on the Orang Asal society, in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsula Malaysia.  Thousands of Orang Asal who suffered from different degrees of land rights deprivation, who are generally not well educated, came out with solid preparations with documents and maps, pooled money and traveled from afar to the SUHAKAM inquiry.  Never before they were accorded respect and importance by an authority (SUHAKAM), never before they see a glimmer of hope.  They were given an avenue to voice up their problems and it was taken seriously by the government.

However, towards the end, it does seem SUHAKAM is under pressure to withhold the report.  And, finally, when it was submitted earlier this month, it was done without informing and inviting the community leaders of the Orang Asal.  All signs pointed too yet good another Report to be kept in the drawer.

But it shouldn't be so.  For the Report contains comprehensive documentation of case studies around the country and policy recommendations that are well thought through and can be readily implemented, if there is political will.

Let us shed more light on the plight of the marginalised peoples.  Politically, as I see it, the Report is a very powerful tool towards the end of further discrediting the BN government as well as offering an policy narrative to attract the OA community towards Pakatan

This is especially relevant to the political landscape in Sabah and Sarawak.  We have to come out with a coherent land policy where the interests of the natives are taken into account to convince the voters.  It is difficult but at least now we have a ready document to start with.

As a response, may I suggest two actions among the DAP MPs:

1. A joint statement (especially among the Sabah and Sarawak MPs) to call for the Report to be tabled and debated in Parliament

2. A close-door 1-hour briefing session during the next parliament session where an expert can brief the MPs on the gist of the report and its policy/political ramifications.


Yi Fan

Selasa, 27 Ogos 2013

Tony Pua on AG and Home Minister's Position on EO

Media Statement by Tony Pua, DAP National Publicity Secretary and Member of Parliament for Petaling Jaya Utara in Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 26 August 2013
The Attorney-General confirms that Home Minister, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi pulled a fast one with tall tales about how “90% of organised crimes were carried out by ex-detainees who were released from Simpang Renggam where they were held under the EO”
On July 11th, the Home Minister Dato’ Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi claimed he will present statistics from a recent study on crime in full at the next Parliament session to justify the need to revive the Emergency Ordinance (EO), to allow the Police to place suspects under detention without trial for 2 years.
He said “I obtained the statistics, which were derived empirically, that in Selangor, 90% of organised crimes were carried out by ex-detainees who were released from Simpang Renggam where they were held under the EO. I will present the statistics and the study in the Dewan Rakyat in the coming session, the September session, to prove the need for the EO.”
When pressed again for statistics and evidence last week of his allegations on the August 17th, Dato’ Zahid Hamidi continued to insist that he had the figures in hand but urged for continued patience before making them public.
He provided the excuse that media captains need to be properly “briefed” by the home ministry and police before the government can allow any disclosure of classified crime data involving former Emergency Ordinance (EC) detainees.
Instead, it is now the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Patail himself who has provided the concrete evidence that the Minister was giving cock and bull stories to justify the reinstatement of EO-like laws.
Ghani informed a forum by the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation yesterday that “even after the repeal of the EO in 2011, there was no evidence from the 1,567 investigation papers submitted that violent crimes were committed by former detainees”.
The Attorney-General didn’t even tried to mince his words to say that there was “only some” or “very little” evidence of former detainees committing these crimes.  He said “there was no evidence”.
Tan Sri Abdul Ghani was unapologetic in saying that the police had relied on the Emergency Ordinance (EO) to lock up suspected hardcore criminals, as they were simply "addicted to it".
Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi must now own up to making up ficticious claims about how 90% of organised crimes today are being carried out by ex-EO detainees.  These claims never held water in the first place because if the study is already concluded, and he already have in his possession the study, why does he need to wait 2 months before the report is presented to the Parliament? 
However, if you read into Dato’ Seri Zahid’s statement, one can only deduce that it is completely oxymoronic.  If the “study” even exists, then surely for a shocking 90% of the crimes to be identified as being carried out by ex-detainees who were released from Simpang Renggam, these “criminals” would have been identified, arrested, investigated and possibly even charged already.  But if they have been arrested and investigated – and there have been very few reports of such, then how come crime is still rampant and the Police still needs the EO?
In fact if Dato’ Seri Zahid’s allegation that 90% of these crimes were committed by former EO detainees were true, it actually doesn’t “prove the need for the EO”.  On the contrary, it only proved that the police force to be totally incompetent. 
Unlike Dato’ Seri Zahid who seems to have trouble coming up with concrete statistics, we have shown using past published police statistics have shown that the EO was completely ineffective in fighting rising crime. For example, the Malaysian crime index was rising rapidly from 2003 to 2008. At the peak, with the crime rate rose by 34.0% from 2004 to 2007.  During this period, the EO was readily available at the Police’s disposal and yet, crime was seemingly unstoppable.
However, despite the EO repeal at the end of 2011, the Police and the Home Ministry were claiming victory in the fight against crime, with the crime index declining by 7.6% in 2012.  Hence, based on the above official crime statistics presented by the Police themselves, how can the Home Minister, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi, now claim that the cause of rising crime is almost entirely due to the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance?
With the damning evidence by the AG, we call upon the Home Minister to heed Dato’ Seri Najib Razak’s advice when he announced the repeal of the EO, that “now police must train themselves how to look for evidence.”  Instead of just catching suspects and chucking them into EO detention, Dato’ Seri Najib asked the police to now “provide evidence to charge them in court”.
Tony Pua

Isnin, 26 Ogos 2013

Sdr SG on CEC re-electio​n 16.8.13

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 16.8.2013

In Averting A Likely Deregistration Of The Party By BN, DAP Must Not Be Defeated By The Brutality Of An Oppressive Registrar of Societies(ROS) Nor Be Under Any Delusion That The ROS Still Respects The Rule Of Law.

In averting a likely deregistration of the party by BN, DAP must not be defeated by the brutality of an oppressive Registrar of Societies(ROS) nor be under any delusion that the ROS still respects the rule of law. DAP leaders will go on a nationwide tour of all states to explain the rationale of the latest decision after the 2008-2011 Central Executive Committee(CEC) meets next Thursday to conduct fresh re-elections.

There is no doubt that the ROS has repeatedly behaved unprofessionally, unethically and even unlawfully by making media announcements that had no factual or legal basis. Instead of all facts and information supplied by the DAP that were verified by an accounting firm, ROS appears to believe the unsubstantiated lies of a non-existent person called Father Augustus Chen, Utusan Malaysia(UM) and New Straits Times(NST) that 753 DAP delegates had been denied their right to attend the DAP Congress in Penang or that there were 547 “phantom” delegates attending the Congress.

The bitter and painful decision made by party leaders in an emergency meeting of the 2012-15 Central Executive Committee(CEC) on Wednesday night to hold re-elections was solely to prevent ROS from being given another opportunity to abuse their powers by deregistering the party. There are many examples of the ROS abusing its powers in the past and practicing double standards, including their recent inaction over the 2011 SUPP party elections in contrast to their unlawful and quick interference in the 2012 party elections.

The announcement by the Home Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, before the ROS had even informed the DAP, that the DAP has been directed to hold fresh re-elections is a clear indication that the ROS is neither an independent nor an impartial authority but acting solely under the political dictates of BN. Further, the DAP’s repeated requests to the Registrar of Societies to be supplied with the complaints made against the party have been futile.

Finally the shocking refusal of the ROS to even see me in  my capacity as DAP Secretary-General that was communicated to DAP National Organising Secretary Anthony Loke on Wednesday 14.8.2013 is not only unprofessional but proves its oppressive, repressive and suppressive intent against the DAP. DAP leaders can not be passive but must be pro-active in face of such overt hostility and mala fide intent towards the DAP.

Clearly there is a legal recourse for the DAP to seek a judicial review against the ROS’ decision that is clearly unlawful as it contravenes 18A, 18B and 18C of the 1966 Societies Act. However in the face of such openly hostile attitude of the ROS that is clearly oppressive, repressive and suppressive, there were genuine concerns expressed by top leaders that filing a judicial review may trigger further action by the ROS in the form of deregistration of the party.

There is no doubt that such a de-registration of the party by ROS would also be unlawful. However, deregistration is a risk that the party just can not take for taking the ROS to court. Even when DAP wins in court against the unlawful directive to the party to hold re-elections, the party would have to go to court again to fight a possible deregistration of the party. Despite the likely outcome of winning again in court against de-registration, the legal process and time taken of months and even years will put any political party that has been deregistered by ROS in limbo, which will not only be impractical but will threaten the party’s very survival and growth.

BN has been seeking revenge against the DAP since DAP historic victories in the 13th General Elections by winning its largest ever number of 38 Parliamentary and 107 state seats nation-wide as well as contributing towards PR winning the popular vote of 51% and pushing BN to be a minority party. As a minority government, BN has shown that it has no qualms and hesitation in either acting unlawfully or practicing double-standards.

For this reason, despite the strong legal position of the DAP that the directive of the Registrar of Societies that the party holds fresh CEC elections in that that directive does not have the sanctity or authority of law, the DAP has no choice but to forestall any possible future action by the ROS of further abusing its powers by de-registering the party.

This decision is painful when the CEC election in December 2012 last year was properly and cleanly conducted except for a computer glitch caused the wrong announcement of the successful candidates. DAP had immediately rectified it and even got an accounting firm to verify the corrected results. There was no mistake either in vote counting or tabulation but only in posting the results, leading to one candidate Vincent Wu wrongly announced as a successful candidate when it should be Zairil Khir Johari.

This mistake had been duly rectified by reinstating Zairil Khir Johari as the winning candidate. DAP had fully explained this honest mistake to the officials from the Registrar of Societies by furnishing all relevant materials. The mistake was admitted voluntarily by DAP without being exposed by ROS or BN in the interests of upholding transparency and accountability. DAP is now being punished for being honest and truthful.

ROS wants to make winter out of spring of justice, democracy, freedom and hope offered by the DAP. DAP leaders have taken the difficult, painful and unpalatable decision to face the reality of the brutality of ROS abuses of power and refused to be deluded by any hope that the ROS still respects the rule of law. For this reason, DAP is compelled to follow the ROS directive to hold re-elections to force the spring to continue.


Kenyataan media Ketua Whip DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Seremban, Loke Siew Fook pada 16 Ogos 2013 di Kuala Lumpur

Respons kepada dakwaan tidak berasas Khairy Jamaluddin terhadap DAP 

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin yang mendakwa kononnya keputusan untuk membuat pemilihan semula CEC DAP merupakan satu pengakuan bersalah oleh pimpinan DAP. Saya berasa terkilan bahawa dakwaan yang tidak berasas sama sekali seperti ini boleh keluar daripada mulut seorang menteri muda yang selalu menonjolkan dirinya sebagai seorang pemimpin generasi muda yang berkaliber dan bijak. Hanya kerana nak memenangi hati ahli-ahli UMNO menjelang pemilihan parti, beliau kini sanggup berpolitik sehingga tahap yang begitu rendah sekali. 

Dakwaan tersebut langsung tidak berasas kerana pucuk pimpinan DAP mengambil keputusan membuat pemilihan semula seperti yang diarahkan oleh ROS disebabkan kita tidak ada pilihan lain. Sekiranya DAP tidak akur kepada arahan ROS, risiko yang perlu ditanggung ialah pembatalan pendaftaran parti. Inilah perangkap politik yang dipasang oleh UMNO kerana objektif utama mereka ialah untuk memusnah dan melenyapkan DAP dari arena politik Malaysia. Di atas pertimbangan politik tersebutlah, DAP mengambil keputusan untuk akur kepada arahan ROS. 

Ada pula hujah yang mengatakan bahawa kalau DAP tidak bersalah, mengapa tidak menbawa kes tersebut ke mahkamah? Jawapannya ialah kerana kita cukup yakin ada campurtangan politik di peringkat tertinggi dalam kes ini dan kita tidak mungkin mendapat satu penghakiman yang adil melalui mahkamah. Dan sekiranya kes ini berlanjutan bertahun-tahun di mahkamah, maka sudah tentu perjalanan parti akan terbantut dan ini akan memberikan kesan buruk kepada perjuangan politik kami untuk menuntut perubahan demi rakyat Malaysia. 

Khairy juga mendakwa bahawa DAP mengambil masa terlalu lama bagi mengakui kesilapan dan kepincangan yang berlaku bagi menghangatkan isu berkenaan semasa musim pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) lalu. Ini juga merupakan satu penipuan untuk mengelirukan rakyat Malaysia. Faktanya ialah, kami mengakui kesilapan teknikal dalam keputusan pemilihan CEC secara sukarela pada awal bulan Januari 2013. “Masa yang terlalu lama” ini bukan disebabkan DAP tetapi kerana ROS mengambil masa lebih 7 bulan untuk membuat siasatan dan pihak kami hanya menerima surat rasmi daripada ROS berkenaan arahan membuat pemilihan semula tanpa diberikan sebarang alasan pada 31 Julai 2013! 

Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Khairy sama seperti pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang lain, masih bermain politik cara tradisi UMNO iaitu menggunakan fitnah, penipuan, dakwaan tidak berasas dan penyalahgunaan kuasa kerajaan untuk mencapai tujuan politik sempit peribadi mereka tanpa sebarang pertimbangan nilai-nilai kebenaran dan keadilan. Bagi mereka, kebenaran tidak penting selagi ia memenuhi kepentingan mereka seperti pepatah kata Inggeris “the end justifies the means”.


Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974

Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974

Akta ini mengawal aktiviti pengusaha2 sember asli seperti:
a) perlombongan pasir & galian
b) pembalakan
c) pengkuarian

Pindaan Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974 telah dibuat pada tahun 2012 memberi kuasa tambahan kepada Jabatan Alam Sekitar untuk mengambil tindakan yang lebih tegas kepada pihak yang menyebabkan pencemaran termasuk pencemaran sungai.

Seksyen 34AA memperuntukan tindakan perintah larangan atau perintah berhenti kerja

Seksyen 37C memberi kuasa untuk menangkap pesalah2 alam sekitar

Soalan Lisan Ahli Parlimen Jerantut