Khamis, 17 Julai 2014
Tambahkan Peruntukan Untuk Pembangunan Pendidikan Dan Kemajuan Sosio Ekonomi Orang Asli Dalam Belanjawan 2015
Kenyataan Media V.Sivakumar Ahli Parlimen Batu Gajah & Timbalan Pengerusi DAP Perak pada 14 Julai 2014 di Batu Gajah
Orang Asli di negara kita dilindungi oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kedudukan orang asli adalah sama dengan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak. Mereka mempunyai hak di bawah Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Di bawah Perkara ini, hak Orang Asli, anak-anak dan keturunan mereka dijamin oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Tetapi, pada hakikatnya keadaan hidup golongan ini sentiasa terancam di bawah sistem pentadbiran yang ada sekarang ini. Orang asli adalah antara yang paling tertindas dari segi pembangunan sosio-ekonomi negara ini. Kerajaan tidak mempunyai niat secara ikhlas untuk membantu golongan yang termiskin ini.
Masalah keciciran murid Orang Asli adalah terlalu tinggi. Ramai diantara anak Orang Asli gagal untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke sekolah menengah. Ini merupakan satu cabaran kepada negara untuk mengatasinya. Kerajaan harus mengambil segala inisiatif untuk memberi kesedaran kepada ibubapa anak-anak ini tentang pentingnya pendidikan untuk masa hadapan mereka.
Walaupun ada kemudahan infrastruktur pendidikan yang telah disediakan oleh kerajaan tetapi masalah keciciran murid Orang Asli masih dalam tahap yang amat membimbangkan. Pada masa ini, lebih kurang 31 peratus anak-anak Orang Asli di seluruh negara gagal melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat sekolah menengah. Statistik ini perlu diberi pertimbangan yang sewajarnya oleh kerajaan persekutuan mahupun kerajaan negeri.
Apakah alasan untuk keciciran ini? Satu daripada sebabnya ialah lokasi sekolah yang jauh daripada kampung mereka. Masalah ini perlu diatasi oleh kerajaan dengan membina sekolah-sekolah baru. Pusat pendidikan seperti sekolah rendah dan menengah wajar dibina berhampiran dengan penempatan Orang Asli. Selain daripada itu, kerajaan juga harus menempatkan guru-guru yang berdedikasi dan prihatin terhadap kebajikan dan kemajuan Orang Asli.
Sebahagian besar daripada kaum Orang Asli hidup di bawah paras kemiskinan dan terpaksa meneruskan kehidupan mereka dengan aktiviti ekonomi hutan. Inilah merupakan faktor penting yang menyebabkan mereka gagal memberi keutamaan kepada pendidikan anak-anak yang masih di bangku sekolah.. Tekanan ekonomi yang melarat menyebabkan mereka terpaksa membawa anak-anak mereka untuk membantu mencari hasil hutan.
Bantuan kewangan yang sewajarnya juga perlu disediakan oleh kerajaan bagi membolehkan kanak-kanak Orang Asli mendapat pendidikan yang sewajarnya. Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar Dan Wilayah telah diberi peruntukan sejumlah RM 64.7 juta bagi tahun 2014 untuk melaksanakan pelbagai projek pembangunan kepada masyarakat Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia.
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Setakat ini kerajaan telah gagal untuk memberi perhatian khusus dalam kemajuan sosio ekonomi kaum Orang Asli. Kerajaan juga gagal untuk memberi peluang pendidikan tinggi untuk golongan ini. Hanya lebih kurang 850 orang anak Orang Asli berjaya menamatkan pengajian di institusi pengajian tinggi awam dan swasta sejak tahun 1981.
Graduan dan golongan terpelajar dari kalangan Orang Asli wajar diberikan peluang yang sama rata dalam sektor perkhidmatan awam dan swasta di negara kita di samping peluang-peluang perniagaan.
Dalam tempoh 10 tahun, iaitu daripada tahun 2006 hingga 2010, hanya RM1 bilion sahaja telah diperuntukkan bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat Orang Asli di seluruh negara. Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (Jakoa) menyasarkan sehingga 25 peratus kadar kemiskinan dikurangkan pada 2015 seterusnya memenuhi matlamat sifar menjelang 2020. Matlamat ini tidak boleh dicapai jika kerajaan gagal untuk menambahkan peruntukan bagi kaum orang asli dalam belanjawan-belanjawan akan datang.
Penambahan dalam peruntukan adalah penting bagi memastikan mereka tidak lagi mengamalkan kehidupan berpindah randah dan membantu mereka keluar daripada masalah kemiskinan. Selain daripada itu, kerajaan juga boleh menyediakan pendidikan sempurna untuk golongan miskin ini. Tetapi, selagi kerajaan tidak mempunyai hasrat untuk menambahkan peruntukan untuk tujuan pembagunan Orang Asli, maka masalah sosio ekonomi kumpulan ini tidak dapat diselesaikan sepenuhnya.
Sabtu, 12 Julai 2014
Mutu Perkhidmatan Pungutan Sampah Makin Merosot Di Bawah Syarikat Konsesi Swasta
Kenyataan media V.Sivakumar Ahli Parlimen Batu Gajah & Timbalan Pengerusi DAP Perak pada 11 Julai 2014 di Ipoh

Sektor perkhidmatan awam sentiasa dicemuh dianggap tidak cekap dan tidak berkesan kerana terlalu banyak urusan birokrasi. Inilah alasan yang digunakan oleh kerajaan untuk mencari ruang menswastakan beberapa perkhidmatannya. Kerajaan juga berharap untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan bermutu tinggi untuk nilai wang yang dibelanjakan melalui projek penswastaan berkenaan. Tetapi, pada realitinya perkara ini tidak berlaku seperti yang diharapkan.
Penswastaan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan tertentu telah membawa lebih banyak keburukan kepada masyarakat. Perkara ini tidak dapat dinafikan kerana rakyat dapat merasakan bahawa perkhidmatan tersebut lebih baik ketika diselenggarakan oleh kerajaan itu sendiri berbanding dengan pihak swasta.
Sebagai contoh, kerja-kerja pungutan sampah yang diberi kontrak kepada pihak swasta adalah tidak memuaskan di kebanyakan tempat. Sering kali kita dengar rakyat mengadu bahawa pemungut-pemungut sampah tidak datang mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan. Akibatnya, sampah-sampah di rumah atau di tempat awam berlonggok dan memedihkan mata yang memandang.
Penduduk-penduduk berkenaan terpaksa menghubungi Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan untuk mengadu masalah tersebut. Selepas aduan dibuat, tindakan diambil selepas satu atau dua hari untuk memungut dan membersihkan kawasan yang berkenaan.
Saya tidak tahu samada kerajaan sedar atau tidak bahawa perkhidmatan syarikat-syarikat pemungut sampah yang dilantik oleh kerajaan sangat tidak memuaskan. Pungutan sampat tidak mengikut jadual dan tidak mengikut arahan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat pada masa ini.
Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan pula tidak mempunyai kaedah pemantauan yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Mereka hanya bertindak apabila ada laporan atau aduan yang dibuat oleh orang tempatan. Keadaan seperti ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku selepas penswastaan yang sepatutnya menigkatkan mutu perkhidmatan.
Sering kali, Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan memilih kontraktor kroni yang langsung tidak mempunyai pengalaman dalam perkhidmatan yang diswastakan. Ini juga boleh menjadi satu masalah apabila kontrak itu dikurniakan kepada orang-orang yang tidak berwibawa untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang diberikan.
Kontraktor-kontraktor kroni juga tidak takut kepada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan yang menganugerahkan kontrak itu kepada mereka. Tambahan pula, adanya unsur-unsur rasuah juga telah melemahkan lagi perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang diswastakan. Gejala rasuah seperti ini tidak wujud ketika perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan tersebut masih di bawah kelolaan pihak perkhidmatan awam.
Tambahan pula, kos pengoperasian perkhidmatan pungutan sampah adalah jauh lebih rendah ketika perkhidmatan itu dikendalikan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan. Setelah perkhidmatam ini diswastakan, kos telah meningkat sebaliknya mutu perkhidmatan pula bertambah buruk. Ini jelas bahawa kerajaan gagal dalam usaha menswastaan perkidmatan-perkhidmatan tertentu seperti pungutan sampah.
Kerajaan harus mengaku kegagalannya dalam memantau syarikat-syarikat konsesi yang diberi tanggungjawab memungut sampah di kawasan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan berkaitan. Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan Dan Kerajaan Tempatan gagal memastikan arahanya dipatuhi oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta ini. Perbadanan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Dan Pembersihan Awam juga gagal memastikan syarikat-syarikat berkenaan mematuhi Key Performance Index (KPI) yang telah ditetaplan di bawah Penjanjian Konsesi.
Apakah tindakan yang diambil oleh Kementerian dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan terhadap syarikat-syarikat swasta ini yang gagal mematuhi KPI yang telah ditetapkan? Perkara yang sama berlaku berulangkali seolah-olah kontraktor itu tidak mempedulikan langsung tentang arahan pihak kerajaan. Ini membuktikan bahawa tidak ada penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang secukupnya dalam menghukum syarikat-syarikat yang cuba menipu rakyat dan kerajaan.
Oleh yang demikian, saya merasakan satu lagi kajian yang menyeluruh harus dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan Dan Kerajaan Tempatan untuk menilai semula kecekapan dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan pungutan sampah yang telah diswastakan. Perlukah perkhidmatan ini dikembalikan kepada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan untuk diuruskan sepenuhnya dengan menggunakan kakitangannya sendiri seperti sebelum ini?
Statement by ADUN Canning Wong Kah Woh dated 05.07.2014 on Tmn Cempaka Market
民主行动党桂和区州议员兼霹雳州秘书黄家和律师于2014年7月 5日(星期六)在怡保所发表的新闻稿:
怡保白兰园巴杀许多民生问题尚悬而未决, 桂和区州议员黄家和疾呼怡保市政厅多加关注, 动用人力和资源一次过处理和解决业者和市民的投诉,并摒弃“ 头痛医头、脚痛医脚”的做法。
也是民主行动党霹雳州秘书的黄家和今天上午在其火箭服务队成员陈 振东、符翔竣等人的陪同下,前往白兰园巴杀进行视察, 并与业者和市民亲切交流后,发表文告如此表示。
黄家和指出, 白兰园巴杀昨天才因电流用量超出负荷而再一次电流中断, 导致业者被迫摸黑营业。 虽然市政厅和国能在接获行动党服务中心后都给予相关的配合, 进行维修恢复电流,但是要解决主要的问题根源还是必须更换电表, 让电源能够负荷需求。
黄家和表示,同时,巴杀的地砖也因年久失修而破裂, 市民不小心的话就会失足跌倒,同时也造成环境卫生问题。 行动党服务中心在年前曾经自费修补部分破裂的地方, 但是也再一次地损坏,市政厅应该尽速更换地砖, 以免问题更为严重。
黄家和说,市政厅也在5月间拆除了遭到大风雨袭击后摧毁的凉棚, 但是事情至今已经超过了6个星期,尚没有重新装上凉棚, 这也导致了业者和市民的不便, 这一点也显示出市政厅在处理善后工作不力,应该多加检讨。
黄家和一行人同时也接获关于电灯管损坏、厕所卫生、 凉棚水槽阻塞等等问题,而这些都是怡保市内许多巴杀的共同问题。 黄家和就此促请市政厅增强人力和资源, 多加关注怡保市内所有巴杀的民生问题, 为业者打造更好的营业环境。
图1:黄家和(左2) 在视察选区时聆听巴杀业者对于凉棚水槽阻塞的投诉,右为符翔竣。
图2:黄家和(中)同时也与巴杀内的穆斯林业者, 后者表示传统巴杀的生意受到超级市场林立的影响。
图4:白兰园巴杀地砖也因年久失修而破裂, 不但造成环境卫生问题,也危害市民的安全。
图6:崩裂的沟渠也没有获得市政厅的维修, 情况愈日变得更为严重。
Destitute Person’s Act should not be used like the recently abolished Internal Security Act (ISA) to detain the homeless against their will
Media Statement by Dr. Ong Kian Ming, MP for Serdang, on the 6th of July, 2014
The homeless in Kuala Lumpur will be facing a serious threat to their freedom starting on Monday with the start of “Ops Qaseh” which is being led by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.[1] The Minister, Dato’ Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, was reported to have said that this will be a ‘comprehensive’ operation to “ensure that there are no more Malaysians begging and wandering around the streets without getting the appropriate protection”. Furthermore, the Minister is reported to have said that the homeless will be “be given care and rehabilitation for three years and can be released early under two conditions, as per Section 8(1) of the Destitute Persons Act 1977, which are: The authorities are satisfied that the resident has obtained appropriate work to sustain themselves or has been released to someone who can support and take care of them”.
Under this Act, a Destitute Person means: “(a) any person found begging in a public place in such a way as to cause or to be likely to cause annoyance to persons frequenting the place or otherwise to create a nuisance; or (b) any idle person found in a public place, whether or not he is begging, who has no visible means of subsistence or place of residence or is unable to give a satisfactory account of himself.” A homeless person who is not begging would fall under category (b) of a Destitute Person under this Act.
Section 3 of the Destitute Persons Act (DPA) 1977 allows a Magistrate to require a destitute person to reside in a welfare home for up to one month. Section 4 of the DPA allows a Magistrate, based on the recommendation of a social welfare officer, to order a destitute person to remain in a welfare home for up to 3 years and this order can be extended for another three years. This means that a homeless person can be detained against his or her will for a period lasting up to 6 years!
Furthermore, the Minister was reported to have said that those rounded up under Ops Qaseh will not be released until they have found suitable employment or someone volunteers to take care of them including providing them with housing as per Section 8 (1) of the DPA.
Many of the homeless in Kuala Lumpur do not have regular jobs and have, for various reasons, lost contact with their family members. To require that they find regular jobs or proper homes before they are released from the welfare homes is unfair and unacceptable. Even criminals who have served their jail sentence are not required to prove that they have gainful employment or a permanent roof over their heads before they are released.
To detain the homeless in these welfare homes, especially if it is against their will, is an infringement of their political rights. To use the DPA to detain the homeless against their will is to make homelessness a crime and thus, should be condemned.
Stop treating our students as guinea pigs and ensure the proper implementation of PT3
Media Statement by Dr. Ong Kian Ming, MP for Serdang, on the 7th of July 2014
On the 1st of July, Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak posted on his facebook the following message:
Indeed, the students who are starting their case studies or ‘kes kajian’ for History and Geography that takes places from the 1st to 18th of July may need a lot of luck given that the implementation of PT3 has been disgraceful. The Ministry of Education had known, as far back as February 2011, that the PMR exam will be abolished and replaced by PBS. But PT3 was only announced and confirmed in March 31st, 2014, leaving very little time to brief the 63,000 Form 3 teachers in 2,376 secondary schools as well as the students and parents about this change.
As a result, this has left teachers, parents and students utterly confused about PT3 - how it differs from PMR, how it will be used to stream students after Form 3, how it will avid bias in terms of the setting of questions and the marking of papers at the school level, just to name a few important items. A sample of comments and feedback attached in Appendix 1 below will illustrate how angry and confused some teachers, parents and students are regarding the implementation of PT3, specifically, and PBS, more generally.
I call upon the Ministers of Education, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Dato Seri Idris Jusoh to stop making our Form 3 students PT3 guinea pigs and ensure the proper implementation of PT3 including taking the following steps:
1. Set up an emergency taskforce at the MOE with a dedicated hotline to answer PT3 related questions and complaints from teachers, students and parents (Currently, the LP’s complaint website is not accessible to the public (
2. Ensure proper oversight so that potential bias such as different standards of exam papers and in marking at the school level in the PT3 is minimized
3. Set up a special committee to ensure proper implementation of PT3 next year so that this year’s mistakes are not repeated
The failure of Ministry of Education to properly implement PT3 raises serious doubts as to whether it is able to raise our TIMSS and PISA ranking from the bottom 1/3rd to the top 1/3rd as per the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013 to 2025.
Appendix 1: Comments and Feedback on PT3
From Najib’s Facebook Posting ( najibrazak/posts/ 10152136321560952)
• Sarala Poobalan Murid mengambil 2 tahun untuk memahami format UPSR. 2 tahun untuk format SPM and 1.5 tahun untuk STPM. Berapa lamakah masa yang diberi kepada murid Tingkatan 3 untuk memahami format PT3? Kurang dari 2 minggu. Merangkak pun belum dah disuruh berlari. Inilah kelebihan MOE... cakap lebih dari praktikal.Menambahkan pening ibubapa dan guru. Senang buat keputusan. Yang menjadi mangsa- guru, murid dan ibubapa.
• Nurizam Ibrahim sepatutnya pt3 dimulakan utk pelajar tingkatan satu tahun hadapan.....kesian anak2 yg menjadi bahan ujikaji .......nak cari buku rujukan utk pt3 pun susah.....
• Kevin YN Ho Dear PM,
With due respect, I have a different perspective towards your message above. In fact, I am extremely angry with the Education Minister for using my son as a guinea pig. He has cause this generation to suffer. My son is confuse as to what is required to prepare for the exams. I have met up with his teachers who are equally confused. They don't know what to expect and i asked them how I can help my son prepare, they just told me to get lots of work book of which I told them that I have spend lots of money on work books and will spend more if needed. I also notify them that you can't even get some subjects as the publishers are not printing them anymore, the reason is the termination of the system next year.
Btw, I send my son for tuition on most subject to prepare him but I am doubtful it will help. Looking at his general knowledge and education level comparing with his older siblings, I am flabbergasted and very worried for his future which is not looking bright at all. I am frustrated and angry with the education ministry.
I am really considering changing my son to a private school that runs IGCSE to prepare him for O levels. I am not a rich and wealthy person, just a normal working class person and I am not a person with the position to simply send my child to a private school from my financial perspective but if that will secure his education and there on his future, I will have no other options but to sacrifice for it. Mati mati, pun saya akan membela kehidupan masa depan anak saya which I am sure you will do the same as a responsible father. And if after doing all that I can and able and still can't see him improving, I will have not other choice but to walk on this painful journey of sacrifice by sending him to a private school and I am not surprise that if I do just that he would probably need to restart with IGCSE from Form 1 or Form 2 at best. What a waste of resources.
I really do hope that you will do some due diligence to find a way to resolve this problem that your rakyat is facing. I hope the government will not sacrifice the generation of 1999 due to this situation. We need your help and intervention.
Thank you, sir.
With due respect, I have a different perspective towards your message above. In fact, I am extremely angry with the Education Minister for using my son as a guinea pig. He has cause this generation to suffer. My son is confuse as to what is required to prepare for the exams. I have met up with his teachers who are equally confused. They don't know what to expect and i asked them how I can help my son prepare, they just told me to get lots of work book of which I told them that I have spend lots of money on work books and will spend more if needed. I also notify them that you can't even get some subjects as the publishers are not printing them anymore, the reason is the termination of the system next year.
Btw, I send my son for tuition on most subject to prepare him but I am doubtful it will help. Looking at his general knowledge and education level comparing with his older siblings, I am flabbergasted and very worried for his future which is not looking bright at all. I am frustrated and angry with the education ministry.
I am really considering changing my son to a private school that runs IGCSE to prepare him for O levels. I am not a rich and wealthy person, just a normal working class person and I am not a person with the position to simply send my child to a private school from my financial perspective but if that will secure his education and there on his future, I will have no other options but to sacrifice for it. Mati mati, pun saya akan membela kehidupan masa depan anak saya which I am sure you will do the same as a responsible father. And if after doing all that I can and able and still can't see him improving, I will have not other choice but to walk on this painful journey of sacrifice by sending him to a private school and I am not surprise that if I do just that he would probably need to restart with IGCSE from Form 1 or Form 2 at best. What a waste of resources.
I really do hope that you will do some due diligence to find a way to resolve this problem that your rakyat is facing. I hope the government will not sacrifice the generation of 1999 due to this situation. We need your help and intervention.
Thank you, sir.
• Afiq Omar im one of the teacher to handle this pt3 history... the students need to have a high level of thinking. most of the were shocked because they never done such things before... 70% of them were lost...
• Ifilio del Gonxalez masih ramai ibubapa yg tak faham mendalam tentang PT3 ni......kena banyak diskusi dgn semua pihak agar penerimaannya total difahami
• Kamil Ariffin Sygnya masih ramai guru yg masih x berapa tahu bagaimana utk kendalikan PT3 & memberi beban kpd pelajar2. Diharapkn pelajar first batch ini x menjd mangsa eksperimen.
• Ushiromiya Fenix Lencaster If only PBS and project, that, I accept. But what's the use of PT3 if the teachers cannot accept high order thinking answers? I failed a few of my tests just because the form 3 teachers only accepting answers from a sheet of paper! I've been doing that for 2 years and that's what happened? Oh god, please.
From Suara Guru Masyarakat Malaysia ((1) sgmmalaysia)
• Admin rasakan KPM cuba menswastakan kepada pihak peraih keuntungan? KPM, ramai guru masih tak faham PT3 dan bagaimana pula murid??? Bagaimana pula murid yang tidak berkemampuan??? #PBSDiskriminasiPendidikan
• Berat Sebelah Bagaimana boleh sebuah seminar berbayar dijalankan sedangkan Taklimat PT3 kepada guru baru selesai hari ini? Taklimat PT3 kepada guru bukannya tentang format baru tetapi tentang pengurusan PT3.
From a concerned parent via email:
• I received information from FB that you would like information on PT3 Geografi and Sejarah. My daughter who is in Form 3 this year is studying in Penang. She received a few days ago the two papers for PT3. Teachers have only given very little advice so far. They are suppose to start yesterday (1st July) for geography, but the teacher was not ready and will only do so this Friday. Not sure when she will start her history. For parents, we will be attending a briefing this Saturday by the school on PT3. (received on July 2)
• My daughter said the school had a briefing session today for all the Form 3 students for the geography case study. Non for history yet. They were briefed earlier by their geography teacher on certain requirements for the geography paper like getting at least 20 residents around 5 km radius to fill in survey form, finding out information on the different pollution etc. But at today's briefing, they were told that they will only look into air pollution! (That was not the main problem from their survey with the residents) And they do not need to do any survey with the residents near the school. You can imagine all the preparation for the first session which was suppose to start today in school and most cannot be used now. I will attend the school briefing tomorrow and find out what is happening. It is really depressing for the students who put in the effort to do a proper case study. (example: my daughter and her 2 classmates spent 5 - 6 hours knocking on doors to get residents to fill in the survey form. It was not easy as most people were not keen to talk or fill in a form) (received on July 5)
From a top performing student
• “My teachers try to inform us of the format in class, from what they know, and the headmasters have also informed us of the PT3, but that was earlier on, and not many details were known at that time. For the Sejarah project, which we are going to do from 1 -18 July, our teacher did brief us in the hall about the whole thing, very last-minute.”
• “In principle, the PBS is quite good, but the implementation has been terrible, really last- minute, they started the PBS in 2012, and they had 3 years to plan it beforehand, however, up to around march this year, a lot was not confirmed, and we knew very little about the year-end government exam, whether there was even going to be one, and then they suddenly came up with the PT3”
时间掌控关键 允7道附加问题
控制时间禁冗长答复 书面答复未答提问
2008年后停顿不前 国阵对议会改革没兴趣
Challenge to Dr. Dominic Lau to a public debate on Sunday, 13th of July, about whether incinerators are suitable for Malaysia
Media Statement by Dr. Ong Kian Ming, MP for Serdang, on the 9th of July
It was reported yesterday that Gerakan Vice President, Dr. Dominic Lau, accused me of lying about being part of an official delegation, headed by Director of the National Waste Management Corporation (JPSPN), Dato Dr. Nadzri Yahaya, to Japan, which took place from June 21st to June 24th, 2014.[1] I did not say that I was part of the official delegation. It was most probably an error on the part of the journalist who covered a press conference organized by the NGO, Kuala Lumpur Taknak Incinerator (KTI), on Sunday, 6th of July, 2014
However, I did visit Japan after the end of the trip by the official delegation, at my own expense, to conduct my own research into the pros and cons of incinerators in Japan which included visiting 2 incinerators as well as visiting NGOs and academics who are advocating for alternatives to incinerators. Unlike the official delegation, I wanted to hear both sides of the story and not be brainwashed by pro-incinerator propaganda.
I will be sharing my views, based on information gathered from my Japan trip, at a public forum organized by KTI that will take place at 10am on Sunday, 13th of July, at the following venue:
Dewan Taman Mastaira, Jalan 6/18D, Taman Mastiara, 51200 Kuala Lumpur (Person in charge is Ms Lee 0169562286 from KTI)
I challenge Dominic Lau to share his views and findings from his trip to Japan at this forum and for him to publicly state his position on whether incinerators are suitable to be constructed and operated in Malaysia at this time, including the proposed incinerator at Taman Beringin, Kepong.
It was reported yesterday that Gerakan Vice President, Dr. Dominic Lau, accused me of lying about being part of an official delegation, headed by Director of the National Waste Management Corporation (JPSPN), Dato Dr. Nadzri Yahaya, to Japan, which took place from June 21st to June 24th, 2014.[1] I did not say that I was part of the official delegation. It was most probably an error on the part of the journalist who covered a press conference organized by the NGO, Kuala Lumpur Taknak Incinerator (KTI), on Sunday, 6th of July, 2014
However, I did visit Japan after the end of the trip by the official delegation, at my own expense, to conduct my own research into the pros and cons of incinerators in Japan which included visiting 2 incinerators as well as visiting NGOs and academics who are advocating for alternatives to incinerators. Unlike the official delegation, I wanted to hear both sides of the story and not be brainwashed by pro-incinerator propaganda.
I will be sharing my views, based on information gathered from my Japan trip, at a public forum organized by KTI that will take place at 10am on Sunday, 13th of July, at the following venue:
Dewan Taman Mastaira, Jalan 6/18D, Taman Mastiara, 51200 Kuala Lumpur (Person in charge is Ms Lee 0169562286 from KTI)
I challenge Dominic Lau to share his views and findings from his trip to Japan at this forum and for him to publicly state his position on whether incinerators are suitable to be constructed and operated in Malaysia at this time, including the proposed incinerator at Taman Beringin, Kepong.
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